
The Company

Payconiq International SA is a public limited company under Luxembourg law, registered with on the Luxembourg trade and companies register under number B 169621, with its registered headquarters at 9-11 rue Joseph Junck, L-1839 Luxembourg.

The Payconiq solution as been developed since 2006, firstly by Payconiq Mobile Payments S.A., Luxembourg leader in micro-payment by SMS through the intermediary of mobile operators, then by Payconiq International S.A. as of March 2010. Originating from a research and development project supported by the Luxembourg government, the Payconiq payment solution has been designed around the user, their practices, and their needs.

Authorised as a payment institution by the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance (institution authorisation number 40/18), Payconiq International S.A. is monitored by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), the supervisory authority for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg finance sector.: This regulatory status give Payconiq International S.A. the right to offer payment services, such as Payconiq, in accordance with the provisions of the law of 10 November 2009 related to payment services, as amended.

Authorisation as a payment institution also grants Payconiq International S.A. recognised status within the Member States of the European Union; this status authorises Payconiq International S.A. to carry out its business in all Member States (subject to informing the CSSF beforehand).